Tous les jours, je publie une photo.
i couldnt understend what did you write, but the pic tells all!! XD you can use that bush toy as a budu XD that will be fan :Pkises :)
Here's an english transcriptionSorry For the late photo. To make you forgive me, I present you Georges W. Bush on vacation in a mini NY mug and a sombrero on his head.
i couldnt understend what did you write, but the pic tells all!! XD you can use that bush toy as a budu XD that will be fan :P
RépondreSupprimerkises :)
Here's an english transcription
RépondreSupprimerSorry For the late photo. To make you forgive me, I present you Georges W. Bush on vacation in a mini NY mug and a sombrero on his head.